Final project ideas for Arduino Uno

In the course ‘Protoype building’ we have to make a final project. Here are some ideas I have been thinking.


My first pick, as I would need this in my work.
Control your sequencer or DAW with a midi controller. This has been made numerous times, but the problem
customizing your controller. Project would need:

  •  Large amount of buttons
  •  Potentiometers / knobs ALOT
  •  Maybe a LCD display
  • Swipe wheel

Example of a market leading DJ MIDI-Controller

© Native Instruments

Dota Timer

Dota 2 timer, clock which is integrated to a map. Map has:

  • 2 leds indicating ‘runes’ every 2 minutes (2,4,6.etc)
  • 2 leds indicating ‘jungle’ every minute, + 1 additional time at 00:30
  • 1 one button to start a different clock, and 1 led to indicate time after button press > 5 minutes
  • 1 led to indicate every 7 minutes a ‘special wave’ is incoming.
  • 1 LCD display to display information and the clock.
  • 1 piezo speaker to further indicate the timings.

One idea would be the leds would blink 3 times 6 seconds before the time, and a piezo tone playing at the
exact time. This would be a training tool and in time would become useless when yourself know the timings.
Problem with this project is it is too easy, and would not be the best showcase of all the skills I have
learned. We have a made a prototype of this project already with Antti Eloranta. Here is a video in case
you missed it in my last post:

Breathalyzer meters cost a lot, and making your own with Arduino is cheap. A project would consist of Breathalyzer meter and LCD screen, which displays the current estimate of % alchocol.

Smart Workspace Lamp
A lamp covering a desktop, that would react to the movements on the desk. We would use ultrasonic sensors to detect movement on the desk and move the lamp accordingly so the user would not have to put their thoughts aside just to adjust their lamps position. This project would need:

  • 3-4 Ultrasonic sensors (maybe a solution to detect movement on a larger area than just a linear path)
  • Continuous/180degree turning servo.
  • A lamp.

Button would calculate math.random between 1-6 and display the results with LCD or 6 LEDS. This could be used to make a game with the breathanalyzer, the dice number could be multiplied by the % of alchocol in the blood.

Air freshness indicator

A arduino project usable at bars/nightclubs which have smoking rooms. There would be a board of leds indicating the amount of carbonoxide in the air.Purpose if the project would recommend smokers to consider coming back when there is more breathable air available – making the smoking room a bit fresher and also making the smokers understand how the amount of air really reflects on how it feels to be inside that room. We would need:

  • CO2 – sensor
  • Around 10 leds
  • Arduino

Extra: LCD display to give even more accurate values of the carbon oxide amounts in the air inside that room.

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